Title I
What is Title I?
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law December 2015 as an update to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
The mission of Title I is to provide a continuum of services and resources to Title I districts and charter schools that enrich curriculum and instruction, promote interaction and coordination of supplementary services and resources, and result in excellence and high expectations for educators and students. Through collective efforts, we endeavor to increase accountability for all participants in the educational process; enhance cooperation between school and home; provide educators in Title I schools with greater autonomy for shared decision-making; and most importantly, promote increased educational performance of students attending Title I schools. Lake Ridge New Tech Schools employs a school-wide Title I program.
Lake Ridge New Tech Schools Annual Report Card
Beginning with 2017-2018 data, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires each local educational agency (LEA; i.e. school district) that receives Title I assistance to prepare and disseminate an annual LEA report card. In order to comply with this requirement, we are providing this link to IDOE's accountability data page:
All required data points for LEAs and schools are included on this IDOE website. If you need further assistance navigating this website, feel free to call me at 219-838-1819 x1156.
Regin Johnson
Title I/English Learners Director
Meet the Title I Director
My name is Regin Johnson. I entered the role of Title 1/English Learners Director for Lake Ridge New Tech Schools in August of 2021. Before entering this role, I worked for 6 years at Calumet New Tech High School in a number of positions:
* Business CTE Teacher, PLTW Engineering Teacher, Graduation Pathways Coordinator, Speech & Debate Coach, NHS Adviser.
My educator license includes Business & IT, Mathematics, Technology, Physical Science, English Language Arts, K-12 Reading, and Building Administration. I earned undergraduate degrees in Communications and Engineering Technology, graduate degrees in Business and Education, and am near completing an EdS and PhD. I have taught from Montessori preschool to community college level, and have further background in early childhood academics and CFO of a mid-size federal grantee.
Before entering the education field, I worked in the computer technology and finance industries. I credit my wife, a teacher, for drawing my attention to education. She now works as a church administrator and small business owner providing achievement testing to non-public school students. My oldest daughter and her husband are both educators, and my remaining 3 children are pursuing the fields of communications and technology.
There is so much potential for relevant learning in the New Tech model in our district, it excites me to serve in a position I can help guide school-wide success. We have many people that are highly qualified educators, and furthermore are dedicated to our mission at Lake Ridge New Tech Schools. It is a joy to work alongside each one of them to provide the best learning opportunities for our students.

Regin Johnson