Four Longfellow New Tech Elementary School students enjoy breakfast with LRS Resource Officers (L to R) Daniel Gutierrez and Brian Perez as part of a new program promoting positive student-police relationships.
First-year LFNTES Principal Melissa Rettig introduced a program aimed at fostering a close relationship between School Resource Officers (SROs) and students. SROs are police officers assigned to secure the district’s schools.
Principal Rettig named the program Super Donuts for Super Heroes. Every Friday, a group of four students will have the opportunity to enjoy a light breakfast with SROs. This student group will rotate between kindergarten and fourth grade throughout the school year, ensuring that every student in every grade has the chance to participate.
Rettig explained that the program’s goal is to make students feel comfortable in the presence of police officers.
“I want our students to know and understand that the SRO officers are here to protect them and keep them safe, not to be punitive,” she said.
Lake County Police Officer Brian Perez leads the Lake Ridge SRO detail. Office Perez, along with Gary Police Officer Daniel Gutierrez, both see the value of the activity.
“Some students, even this young, may have had a negative experience with a police officer,” said Officer Perez. “What Super Donuts for Super Heroes does is provide each student with an opportunity to see us as people who care about them and are interested in their wellbeing.”
“Each positive interaction we have with a student helps build trust between the public and law enforcement, and that can go a long way,” Gutierrez added.
As part of the morning event, the officers deputize the students with a replica badge and accompany them through the building to ensure doors are locked and secured before returning them to class.
Superintendent Dr. Sharon Johnson-Shirley supports the program and believes it has numerous benefits.
“Our students need to know that the police are here to protect and help them,” said Dr. Shirley. “Plus, you can never predict what inspires a child. Perhaps, through their interactions with the SROs, some of the students may grow up to be police officers or work in law enforcement. That is the ultimate goal of education here at Lake Ridge New Tech Schools—to inspire students.”
Dr. Sharon Johnson-Shirley meets with Officers Gutierrez and Perez following the first Super Donuts for Super Heroes event at LFNTES.