First grade students singing "Frosty the Snowman" at the LFNTES holiday concert.
Longfellow New Tech Elementary School helped spread the yuletide joy as hundreds of parents, grandparents, family, and friends filled the LFNTES cafetorium for a festive concert featuring some of the most beloved holiday classics!
Under the direction of LFNTES music teacher Kristi McMahan, classes from kindergarten through fourth grade each sang two songs, including “Frosty the Snowman,” “Jingle Bells,” “Feliz Navidad,” “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” and “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.”
McMahan said the polished voices and performances of the students came from intense choir practices that started shortly after Halloween.
“It takes a lot of time, but it’s definitely worth it,” she said. “All of the songs were curriculum based for the student’s grade level. Because students are at different reading levels, we must practice reading the words to the song. I chant the lyrics and they chant them back.”
LFNTES Principal Pam Balint credits McMahan for putting together the event.
“We haven’t had a Christmas concert in a while, and I thought it was time for one,” Balint said. “She worked very hard. She practiced with the students and taught them the songs–she really did a great job. We made sure that the songs they sang would challenge the students for their grade level.”
Balint hopes the concert will become an annual event, as brings families into the school and highlights students’ talents.
“The parents, grandparents, and everyone who attended said that the performance was wonderful, and it was so good to see the kids—they were just outstanding,” she said. “I’m so happy we were able to do it.”
Lake Ridge New Tech Schools Superintendent Dr. Sharon Johnson-Shirley said the concert represents what the partnership between school and parents should be.
“It was wonderful. Anytime we celebrate children and their successes, I feel proud,” Dr. Johnson-Shirley said. “And for the parents to come out in the numbers that we saw, it made my heart flutter because our kids were singing their hearts out. I was proud of them because they really wanted to do a good job for their parents and grandparents. Also, I cannot say enough about their music teacher, Ms. McMahan. We are so proud of her success.”